Empowering an Embattled Client and Building Trust

Empowering an Embattled Client and Building Trust

Many of Global Energy’s clients come to us through strong word-of-mouth. Miss Zhou – a hardworking Queens businesswoman – is a case in point. Her family has owned a successful Laundromat for more than 15 years. She not only received better rates through Global Energy,...
Be Careful When Companies Offer You “100% Green Energy”

Be Careful When Companies Offer You “100% Green Energy”

Plus, How You Can Better Reduce Your Carbon Footprint. You’re searching for a new energy supplier. You come across one of the leading firms, which brags about its efforts to offer green energy to their customers. You obtain a few electric rates, one for regular energy...
5 Simple Requirements for Going Solar

5 Simple Requirements for Going Solar

Is Installing Solar Panels on your Home a Good Idea? If you’re like most Americans, you get your electric bill in the mail every month and you pay it. If your rate increases, it’s just something you have to deal with. If the utility decides to build a fossil-fuel...