Industrial Locations

Power Up Your Industrial Efficiency

Amp up your energy savings with our program personalized for industrial warehouses. We have helped over 1,000 businesses put the brakes on high energy costs. Our efficiency solutions are designed to turbocharge your operations, ensuring you save money while boosting productivity.

$200 average monthly savings
per building
$2,231 average reimbursement
for past overcharges for eligible clients

Global Energy saved me thousands of dollars per month on my utility bills, which went straight back to my bottom line.

Chris Kim, Multi-site Laundromat & Car Wash Owner

Global Energy was able to quickly turn a review of our utility bills into significant cost savings across all of my QSR restaurants.

Peter Marrinan, Dunkin’ Donuts Franchisee

I have been very impressed by the results. I highly recommend giving Global a call. You will not regret it.

Bill Pavlides, VP Raceway Diner

Global Energy provided detailed analysis of utility costs for all our locations and presented rates based on terms from vendors for us to choose from. This allowed us to pick the term that best fit our business strategy while giving us an immediate savings on utility costs.

Adam Roehl, CPA, Assistant Controller, Pomp’s Tire Service Inc.

Energy Savings for Industrial Companies

Global Energy LLC, headquartered in Westfield, New Jersey, provides comprehensive energy management services to Industrial customers facing large energy bills. Here’s how they can assist in better managing gas and electric expenses while achieving significant savings:

  1. Energy Auditing and Analysis: Global Energy conducts thorough energy audits for industrial facilities. These audits assess energy-consuming systems such as pumps, ventilation, lighting, compressed air, steam, refrigeration, HVAC, and process machinery. By identifying inefficiencies and prioritizing areas for potential energy savings, they help reduce costs.
  2. Strategic Procurement: Negotiating favorable energy supply contracts is crucial for cost control. Global Energy leverages its expertise to secure competitive rates for electricity and natural gas. This not only ensures budget predictability but also leads to substantial savings.
  3. Digital Monitoring and Automation: Detailed energy consumption measurements are essential. Global Energy helps industrial clients connect and automate their assets. By using digital tools, they monitor and analyze the effectiveness of energy improvement efforts against benchmarks. This data-driven approach drives continuous improvements and cost savings.
  4. Transition to Clean Energy: For those aiming to reduce their carbon footprint, Global Energy provides guidance on sustainable options such as solar energy. Transitioning to cleaner energy sources not only aligns with environmental goals but also contributes to long-term financial benefits.
  5. Government Initiatives and Funding: Global Energy taps into short- and long-term government initiatives that promote renewables and energy efficiency. By making renewables more affordable and facilitating digitalization, they empower industries to mitigate energy insecurity and achieve green energy targets.

In summary, Global Energy LLC partners with industrial customers to optimize energy usage, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency.

Free Rate Check

See if we can save you money on your energy bill!

How do you power your buildings?

Electricity & Natural Gas

Renewable Energy

Let’s talk strategy

We can provide helpful, objective information about your current energy consumption to begin a transparent conversation on reducing costs.

John Kim
President of Global Energy LLC
14+ Years in the Energy Industry
Copyright © 2025 Global Energy, LLC. All Right Reserved. | Fax: (718) 408-4923 | 214 Saint Paul Street, Ste. #1, Westfield, NJ 07090

Expert Energy Insight
Lower Utility Bills

We offer strategic services that optimize procurement and accuracy of bill which ultimately leads to a improved bottom line. See if your business qualifies by filling out the form below.

Global Energy saved me thousands of dollars per month on my utility bills, which went straight back to my bottom line.

Chris Kim, Multi-site Laundromat & Car Wash Owner

Global Energy was able to quickly turn a review of our utility bills into significant cost savings across all of my QSR restaurants.

Peter Marrinan, Dunkin’ Donuts Franchisee

I have been very impressed by the results. I highly recommend giving Global a call. You will not regret it.

Bill Pavlides, VP Raceway Diner

Global Energy provided detailed analysis of utility costs for all our locations and presented rates based on terms from vendors for us to choose from. This allowed us to pick the term that best fit our business strategy while giving us an immediate savings on utility costs.

Adam Roehl, CPA, Assistant Controller, Pomp’s Tire Service Inc.